ATTENTION: Rental Property Investors

Are you stuck and not achieving the growth and progress you should with your rental properties?

The problem is NOT the real estate market, rising interest rates, or figuring out the latest and greatest real estate strategy.

After 21 years investing in real estate and 15 years coaching others, I’ve learned a proven framework for becoming a rental property investor who PASSIVELY earns more CASH FLOW so that you have complete freedom and options with your time.

👋 Hi, I'm Chad "Coach" Carson

Do you ever look at other successful real estate investors – with dozens of properties and thousands of dollars in cash flow – and wonder how they actually did it?
...While your rental investing seems STUCK with little or no cash flow and not enough progress?
Have you already tried the BRRRR method, short-term rentals, or the latest financing techniques?
...Only to find little of the success you hear about others achieving with the same methods?
Do you ever catch yourself wondering if all the hard work is even worth it?
...When no matter how much work you put into your rental investing, you never seem to get the traction or earn the cash flow that will set you free?

While Some Guy In His 20s Quickly Buys 30 Properties and Achieves Financial Independence in a Couple of Years

If there’s anything I’ve learned from teaching and coaching hundreds of real estate investors…
Including rental investors who now own dozens of properties and have replaced their full time job salary with rental income 
As well as countless others just starting out – with hundreds of success stories like these:

"After Chad’s course I had the knowledge, skill and most importantly confidence to go out and start making offers.

Since taking Chad’s course I have purchased one new property and just got another one under contract."

–Michael Temple
Toledo, OH

"No matter where you're starting or where you want to go, this course really gives you the knowledge and confidence.

Chad really cares about everyone and wants everyone to be successful in whatever they're doing."

–Debbie Woollens
Greenville, SC

What I’ve learned is most rental property investors don’t understand how the game of real estate investing actually works and what leads to more quality rental properties, more cash flow, and less hassle with property management.
So if you’re frustrated and confused about why your rental investing isn’t working well enough for you, trust me, you’re not alone. I’ve heard the same story with literally thousands of other investors. 
Here’s the problem…

Many Real Estate “Experts” Are Teaching Untested Strategies And One-Off Tactics

The sad truth is, most people teaching rental property strategies haven’t been around that long or tested their tactics in more than one market cycle.
A technique that worked for the last couple of years won’t necessarily succeed over the long-term as the real estate market changes.
Here at Coach Carson, I only teach strategies that have been proven to work with a broad variety of investors, in different locations, and over time through up and down markets. 
There’s a reason I survived and then thrived after the 2007-2009 recession when many other investors lost money and went out of business…

Ever since I began investing full time in 2003, I’ve been committed to learning the fundamentals and best practices of rental property investors who thrive over the long run.
Here’s what I’ve discovered…

You Need an Entire Rental Investing PLAN, Not Just One-Off Strategies or Tactics

It’s not that any particular strategy or tactic is bad. They’re just like tools in a toolbox, which work to solve a particular problem at a particular time.
Investors get stuck and frustrated when they try to use real estate tools without an overall plan. It’s like trying to build a house without a blueprint.
Instead of focusing just on the tools, a larger framework for a rental property business creates a solid foundation. It’s a necessary first step on your rental investor journey.

The first step - and the promise of this course - is to BUILD a solid structure for your rental business.
Second, you continue towards MASTERY of the key skills, strategies, and tactics of property acquisitions, building a team, property management, creating systems, and producing cash flow so that you can have the freedom you always wanted.
And ultimately, you get to enjoy the FREEDOM and life options of a passive rental property business.
Which is why…

I Created A Step-by-Step System That ANYONE Can Use To Become a Better Rental Investor In The Next 30 Days

After seeing so many investors fall into the same traps, I decided to compile and organize the rental property framework I’d been using for years for myself and with my coaching clients and students …
And I turned it into a step by step program called: 30 Days To A Better Rental Investor
Where over the course of 30 days, you’d follow a proven plan to build a rental property business that will give you more cash flow and more freedom, by taking easy, small actions day by day.
This is the same approach I’ve used with past students, and I’ve been blown away by their results.

– Introducing –

30 Days to a
Better Rental Investor

A proven plan to build a rental property business in the next 30 days that will give you more wealth, cash flow, and freedom.
No matter if you have 0, 10, or 100 rental properties right now…
And no matter if you're into house hacking, short-term rentals, long-term rentals, turnkey investing, or some other variation of rental properties ...
30 Days To A Better Rental Investor is an easy-to-follow video guide where I’ll show you, step by step, how to build a rental property business that produces more cash flow with less of your time.
From creating a plan to fit real estate into your life, to building an all-star team to help you, to buying great deals, to using the right landlording software.
The program is designed to get you taking action and seeing REAL WORLD RESULTS in the next 30 days…

When you buy today, you’ll get immediate access to the first 6 days of the 30 Day system, so you can start working through day one right away, and go as fast or as slow as you’d like depending on your schedule.

Here’s How We’ll Become Better Rental Investors Together

[Days 1-3]

Find your Focus on the Right Goals and Clarify your Rental Property Strategy

First, I’m going to help you get focused so that your efforts for the rest of the 30 days are heading in the right direction.
We’ll cover things like:
  • Getting clear on your “Why.” As Nietzsche said, when you have a strong enough why, you can bear any how. That’s why we’ll start by tapping into the motivations that matter most to you.
  • Discovering your personal real estate goals. The right goals give you confidence and a laser-like focus. I’ll help you keep these goals SIMPLE so that you have clear milestones to hit as a real estate investor. 
  • Choosing a customized real estate strategy. Too many investors get stuck using the wrong strategy. I’ll help you pick a strategy - whether it’s house hacking, long-term rentals, short-term rentals, or something else - that makes sense for YOU.

[Days 4-6]

Get Organized and Fit Rental Property Investing into your Busy Schedule

In my experience, the number one excuse of investors who don’t succeed is time. They can’t figure out how to fit real estate into their lives.
In this part of the course, we’ll fix that. 
We’ll cover things like:
  • The primacy of the process. Instead of obsessing on results, we’ll learn how to create easy-to-execute, bite-sized steps that will naturally lead to the rental investing results you want.
  • How to organize your investing projects so that you can use your extremely valuable time only on the most important tasks.
  • Proven time blocks for busy investors. You’ll learn and copy the schedules and best practices of other investors who successfully fit real estate into their lives.

[Days 7-8]

Build your All-Star Team so you don’t have to do it all yourself

Legendary basketball coach John Wooden said that the #1 ingredient of stardom is your team.
During these lessons, I’ll help you build your own all-star real estate team so that you don’t have to do everything yourself.
We’ll cover things like:
  • Getting your spouse or loved ones on the same page so that you’re working together as a team.
  • Finding mentors who can support you during the inevitable challenges.
  • The few key team members you should find FIRST in order to help you build the rest of your team
  • How to be the leader of a team that will keep your all-stars performing and working with you for years to come.

[Days 9-11]

Create your Buy Box so you have Laser-Focus on What’s a Good Deal

So many investors fail to make progress because they don’t truly understand what it means to have a good real estate deal.
During these lessons, you’ll learn to create your unique “good-deal criteria” (aka a Buy Box) so that you can start finding and buying them in your market.
We’ll cover things like:
  • The best types of markets for investing that produce the most long-term growth and cash flow.
  • The best types of rental properties that will increase your chances of having an easy job with leasing, management, and maintenance. 
  • The analysis metrics used by the best investors so that you can be confident your deal will perform financially and help you achieve your goals.

[Days 12-14]

Prepare Your Cash and Financing

You DO need money to make money with rental properties.
But you don’t only need YOUR money.
In these lessons, I’ll teach you how to safely get the money you need for your rental properties so that you can grow your wealth and cash flow.
We’ll cover things like:
  • Coach Carson’s Safe Debt Rules. Print these out and put them where you see them daily. These rules will keep you out of the biggest trouble investors get into.
  • The best financing options for rental investors - no matter if you’re brand new or a more experienced investor. 
  • Creative strategies to raise cash and down payments if you don’t have enough cash in your bank account (I’ve been there, too!)

[Days 15-17]

Create a Plan to Find Good Deals that Meet your Criteria

Nothing else matters if you can’t find good deals!
In these lessons, I’ll share the best ways I’ve learned to find hundreds of good deals over the last twenty years.
We’ll cover things like:
  • How to create a plan to find motivated sellers so that you have good deals coming to YOU instead of constantly chasing the wrong opportunities. 
  • How to find your next 20 leads - like right now - so that you can kick-start your deal-finding efforts no matter where you are in your journey as an investor.
  • The mistake many investors make of being unorganized with their lead generation. By fixing this problem, you’ll convert more of your leads and your efforts into actual deals.

[Days 18-20]

Prepare to Negotiate and Make Offers on the Right Properties

The lessons you’ll learn about negotiation are THE most valuable skills I’ve learned as an investor.
Getting better as a real estate negotiator can literally make you thousands, if not millions of dollars.
We’ll cover things like:
  • How to use Coach’s Deal Worksheet that will help you gather important information, ask the right questions to sellers or their agents, and stay organized during the negotiation process.
  • Preparing to make offers that actually get accepted. This is where the rubber meets the road and your potential deals turn into actual deals.
  • Taking advantage of a HUGE opportunity most investors miss - following up on offers (and how to stay organized so that it’s easy).

[Days 21-23]

Prepare your Due Diligence and Property Purchase Processes to Avoid Big Mistakes

You don’t have to let fear of rental property mistakes paralyze you.
With the right due diligence process, you can avoid the most expensive mistakes before you ever buy a property.
And lucky for you, I have a due diligence process that took me 20 years to create that you can borrow and deploy with your rentals right away.
We’ll cover things like:
  • The key components to watch out for in a purchase agreement and how to find a good one in your market.
  • How to use Coach’s Due Diligence Checklist to ensure you haven’t missed any big mistakes or property problems. 
  • How to use Coach’s Closing Checklist that will guide you towards a smooth closing (aka purchase transaction) free of drama and hassle.

[Days 24-27]

Create your Tenant and Property Management Systems

Once you own a property, the important long-term work of your rental investing begins. 
When you do this well, you can create a portfolio of properties with excellent tenants who pay you on time and give you a positive cash flow for life. 
We’ll cover things like:
  • How to choose whether to self-manage or hire a third-party manager
  • What to look for in rental software so that you can market your property, screen tenants, sign leases, and collect rent as easily as possible.
  • Coach Carson’s Tenant Screening Criteria and how to create your own.
  • How to create a marketing plan to find the best tenants for your rental so that you have people living in your property for years and paying on time.

[Days 28-30]

Improve Your Rental Operations for Rent Collections, Maintenance, and Bookkeeping

Rental properties don’t have to be a difficult, full-time job. 
With the right systems in place, owning rentals can be very part-time and passive. For example, I spend less than two hours per week on my 100+ rentals and I travel the world for years at a time.
We’ll cover things like:
  • How to set-up rental collections so that your income comes in naturally and effortlessly each month.
  • Creating a plan to handle maintenance (both emergency and preventative) so that your properties stay in great shape and you stay calm and stress-free.
  • How to do bookkeeping and recordkeeping like the pros so that you always know what’s going on with your rental business and so that you can make good decisions.

Give Me 30 Days, And I’ll Make You a Better Rental Investor – On Your Way to More Cash Flow, More Freedom, and Less Stress

Imagine how much more excited you’ll be to wake up every day and work on your rental property business ...
When you know, with confidence, that you’re growing your rental investing the right way with a solid foundation.
Whether you want to own a few long-term rentals on the side to build wealth, manage your short-term rentals for cash flow to replace your job, or go full-time as a real estate investor … 
When you join 30 Days To A Better Rental Investor today, you’ll be well on your way to a better rental property business by this time next month!

Let's Recap Everything You Get Inside:

When you join today, you’ll get immediate access to the first 6 days of the 30 Day video program, housed inside a private members area. The rest of the 30 days will be released as we progress through the course. 
The course is broken down into 30 easy to digest lessons, with entertaining, insightful videos walking you step by step through every phase towards upgrading your rental investing business.
With tasks to complete for your rental investing at the end of every day, and added resources if you want to go deeper into any topic.
To get started now, click the orange button below, and join us inside 30 Days To A Better Rental Investor today!
✔️30 Days To A Better Rental Investor Video Course ($750 Value)
✔️12 Real Estate Checklists and Documents, done for you so you can implement them right away ($1,200 Value)
✔️Over 30 assignments to do that will make you a better rental investor ($100 Value)

Total Value: $2,050

You Get It All Today For: $199

That’s Less Than $7.00 A Day For The Next 30 Days – PLUS: Saving You From THOUSANDS of Dollars in Expensive Mistakes and Years Of Lost Time

Rental properties are a proven, accessible way to build wealth for regular people like you and me. But they also have their risks.
Doing things the wrong way can lead to expensive mistakes that cost you money and cause stress and heartache. For example, just ONE of the mistakes I’ll help you avoid with the due diligence checklist in the course cost me over $10,000!
And even worse, not doing anything can lead to missed opportunities that could have built massive wealth and given you more freedom.
But when you join 30 Days To A Better Rental Investor today, you’ll gain immediate access to a step by step process that’s guaranteed to work. (With years of personal experience and satisfied customers to prove it!)
Saving you years of lost time and expensive mistakes that could keep you from the cash flow and freedom you deserve …
On top of that, I believe in this course so much, I’m including…

My “30-Day Satisfaction” Guarantee

If within 30 days, you’re not satisfied that you have everything you need to become a better rental investor after implementing everything you learned in this course, we’ll give you a full refund. No hoops to jump through. Just make an honest attempt at following our 30 Day guide, and your satisfaction is guaranteed!

Unlimited Access for the Lifetime of the Course

You get unlimited access to the course and all updates for as long as the course is available online.
People ask if they get lifetime access to the course. The answer is no, I’m not committing to lifetime access because, honestly, the logistics of that sounds pretty ridiculous, especially if you live longer than me.
However, you do get access for the lifetime of the course… plus you get all future updates for free!

You Get It All For Just $199

The time to get started is NOW!
With my 30 Day 100% money-back guarantee, you literally have no risk!
So click the big orange buy button below, and let’s get started making you a better rental investor today!
You’ll instantly be redirected to the Member’s Portal, where you can enter your credit card details with 100% secured AES-256 encryption.
Followed by immediate access to the private member area, where you can start watching the first video right away!

30 Days From Now, Where Will You Be?

If you’re still reading this, then you know you want more as a rental property investor.
It’s time to stop sitting around, blaming interest rates or the economy, frustrated that you aren’t getting the results you want and deserve.
EVERY economic cycle and EVERY real estate market presents opportunities for rental investors with a plan. And now you have the opportunity to be one of those investors.
Now is the time to take control of your rental investing success and begin building more freedom and options in your life!
It all starts by clicking the big orange button below…
And I’ll see you on the inside!

Chad “Coach” Carson
Creator of 30 Days To A Better Rental Investor
Founder of Coach Carson