More Deals, More Profits, Less Risk

When you're not dependent on traditional bank financing for real estate investing, you can buy more deals that make more profit, with less risk.

Creative financing is the key!

Join this one-of-a-kind course to increase your ability to fund real estate deals. By the end of the course, we'll help you build your own toolbox of creative financing techniques so that you can consistently and safely make as many investment deals as you want, without having to apply for a bank loan.

Why Creative Financing?

Build a rare, valuable real estate skill

👋 Hi, I'm Chad "Coach" Carson

In 2003 right after college, I began investing in real estate full-time with a business partner. The problem was that we didn't have regular jobs OR a lot of cash or credit.

So instead of walking into a bank for all our loans, we had to get creative in order to fund our real estate deals.

Now over 21 years later, we have purchased, sold, and rented 100's of real estate deals, during hot AND cold markets, using a variety of financing strategies, including:

  • Private money
  • Self-directed retirement accounts
  • Seller financing
  • Options
  • Lease options
  • Contract for deeds
  • Subject-to the mortgage

And yes, we also used bank loans. But a full toolbox of creative financing options gave us an UNLIMITED source of money to buy as many deals as we wanted, with less risk, less hassle, and more profits.

Yet amazingly, FEW investors know about or use these valuable tools!

Why not? It's usually because of:

  1. Lack of knowledge
  2. Lack of experienced help

Most fellow investors, real estate agents, and title companies won't be able to help you with creative financing techniques. Few attorneys know how to use them either, and the ones who do charge a substantial fee because they're rare!

Plus, in a competitive housing market, this skill is even MORE important. To negotiate good deals today, you need to be able to move fast, close with cash, or offer sellers creative alternatives that still meet their needs.

That's why my co-teacher Dyches Boddiford and I created this course.

We want to give you the knowledge, skills, and confidence to understand and use extremely valuable creative financing techniques that will work today or in any market.

Enroll Now!

See in 5 Minutes How This Course Could
Transform Your Real Estate Investing

What You Will Learn:

How to Build & Use Your Own

Creative Financing Toolbox!


Within the pre-recorded video & audio lessons (PLUS a 220-page physical coursebook), you'll learn:

  • Why creative financing should be a core part of your real estate strategy
  • How to get started with creative financing strategies
  • Detailed explanations AND case studies of creative financing techniques, including:
  • Private loans
  • Self-Directed Retirement Accounts (IRA, 401k, HSA, etc)
  • Seller financing
  • Straight or Pure Options
  • Lease Options
  • Subject-to the Mortgage
  • Contract-For-Deed (aka Land Contracts)
  • Wrap Around Mortgages
  • How to negotiate the key terms and clauses of creative financing
  • An in-depth understanding of tax benefits and how they can be used to make or improve a deal
  • Where and how to find creative financing opportunities
  • Which forms and paperwork you'll need so that you can apply these techniques right away

Forms Included:

Don't reinvent the wheel!
Start with our paperwork templates.


  • Private Lending:
  • Miscellaneous Clauses For Note & Security Instrument
  • Modification Agreement
  • Participating Loan Note
  • Pay-Off Statement
  • Private Loan Proposal
  • Promissory Note
  • Satisfaction of Security Instrument 
  • Security Instrument
  • Subordination Agreement Sample
  • Buying With Owner Financing:
  • Checklist For Closing (Dyches)
  • Checklist For Closing (Chad)
  • Purchase Contract Addendum - Seller Financing
  • Purchase Money Note
  • Security Instrument
  • Selling with Owner Financing:
  • Authorization to Pull Credit
  • Consent Order
  • Debt Qualification Worksheet
  • Deposit Register Form
  • Disclosures - Lead Paint & Mold
  • Financing Credit Application
  • HUD Guidance on Lead Paint
  • Late Letter Samples
  • Payment Spreadsheet
  • Promissory Note
  • Security Instrument
  • Options:
  • Option Agreement - Stand Alone
  • Memorandum of Option
  • Security Instrument (aka Mortgage) to Secure Option
  • Lease Options:
  • Lease with right to sublease
  • Lease for Lease Option
  • Option Agreement - For Lease Option
  • Option Agreement - With Financing
  • Subject-to:
  • Letter to Mortgage Company
  • Limited Power of Attorney (for Subject-To)
  • Seller Disclosure
  • Simple Contract For Purchasing
  • Contract-For-Deed / Land Contract:
  • Contract-for-Deed / Land Contract
  • Wrap Around Mortgage:
  • First Payment Notification (Wrap borrower)
  • Wrap Note Clauses

Course Instructors:

Dyches Boddiford

Dyches (pronounced Dykes) is a veteran real estate investor who began investing in the early 1980s. Over the years, Dyches has become a nationally known expert and teacher in investment properties, private and discounted notes, asset protection, and self-directed retirement account investing. Throughout his time as a teacher, Dyches has remained a full-time real estate investor. That is his main business and feels that only by being active in real estate investing can he bring real-world experience to his classes and materials.

Chad Carson

Chad Carson (aka Coach) began investing in real estate 20+ years ago at age 23 soon after graduating from college. Since then, he and a business partner have purchased hundreds of investment properties, mostly funded with creative financing techniques like private money, self-directed retirement accounts, seller financing, lease options, and subject-to. Chad's passion is teaching and helping others to achieve financial independence so that they can spend their time doing more of what matters.

Who Is This Course For?

Smart, growth-oriented investors

This course is built for beginners OR experienced investors who are looking to improve their real estate skills.

In their own words, here are a few of the reasons others have joined the course ...

Let's Summarize:

What You'll Get As A Student

  • Physical Course Textbook (220 pages!) with detailed explanations, examples, paperwork samples, and more **For those outside the US & Canada, you will receive a PDF version instead of physical.**
  • 100+ video lessons organized into 11 modules available anytime and broken into short, focused segments for quick learning.
  • Audio ("podcast") version of each lesson for on-the-go listening.
  • HUGE Library of sample paperwork/forms so that you don't have to reinvent the wheel when applying the creative financing lessons in real life.
  • Section-by-Section Explanations (aka Annotations) of the key paperwork so you understand how to use it and what it says.
  • Access to Q&A Comments below each lesson to read the live Q&A with Dyches and Chad.
  • Replay of Office Hours with Dyches and Chad during (2) Bonus live Q&A sessions from August and September 2021.

Course Book

You will receive a comprehensive, 220-page physical (& PDF) course book that will be mailed directly to you (*in the US & Canada) so that you can reference it anytime in the future as you continue to learn or do more deals.

Discussion & Questions

Find Answers to Questions
You Can't Ask Anywhere Else

Course Comments:

Ask whatever you want within the course portal and get a personalized answer from Chad or Dyches

Examples of student questions & instructor answers inside the course

Enroll Now!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?

The course is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

NOTE: The course was conducted in a live format in late 2021. Now, participants are afforded the flexibility to progress through the course material at their own pace, and they have access to watch the recorded replays of the original sessions.

How long do I have access to the course?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

Should I wait if I'm too busy right now? How much time would I need to make the investment in this course worthwhile?

This course is designed to be flexible. You can learn a little at a time, like one module on a topic relevant to you now, or you can go through the entire course at once. If you are busy, this can still be a perfect resource because it's always available to go back and study later, you'll get a course book to use as a reference, and you can go back to learn different topics as they come up in your real estate investing.

Will I get access to the full course all at once?

Yes, everything is available immediately.

Your course book will be mailed after registering for the course.

What if I am unhappy with the course?

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

What are the Office Hours calls like?

Office hours were recorded live in late 2021. Although we don't host live office hours anymore, you have access to the replays that were held when the course was conducted live.

Will this real estate information work in high-priced markets? What about outside of the U.S.?

The content in this course is designed for U.S.-based real estate markets. High-priced markets do have their challenges, but creative financing is often one of the key solutions to make deals cash flow or to give you multiple options to buy and hold a deal until you make a profit. For example, one of the modules covers private lending, and some private lenders could agree to taking a smaller amount of their profits now (so that a deal cash flows) and waiting until later for the rest. That's just one of many creative examples.

Outline of Course Lessons

(click the arrow below to see all lessons)

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1 – Private Loans
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2 – Self-Directed Retirement Account Loans
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3 – Buying with Seller Financing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4 – Selling with Seller Financing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5 – Option to Purchase (aka Straight Option)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6 – Lease with Option to Purchase
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7 – Subject-To the Mortgage
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 8 – Contract-for-Deed | Bond-for-Title | Land Contract
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 9 – Wrap Around Mortgage
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 10 – Key Terms, Clauses & Paperwork
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 11 – Tax Treatment of Creative Financing Techniques
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Course Book
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Forms & Paperwork
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Archive of Office Hours Calls with Chad and Dyches
Available in days
days after you enroll


The Creative Financing For Real Estate Investing Course comes with a 30-day 100% money back guarantee. We pride ourselves on high quality programs that actually work if you put the work in.

If within 30 days you are unhappy for whatever reason, just email our customer support. We stand behind this course 100%.